Get in touch
I aim to offer the best service possible for each individual, so if you have any questions or are unsure please reach out and we can make a plan for you together.
Contact form
e: ronda@soulbird.uk | t: 07803 547544 | Instagram: @soulbird.uk
How to Improve your Wellbeing Today
Making small changes to your day to day physical health can really improve mood.
Sleep at regular times each day aim for 6-8 hours per night. Relax and wind down before bed by having a bath or listening to music. Sleep in a calm, dark space and avoid screens an hour before bed. If sleep is poor keep a sleep diary so we can look at this together.
Exercise has been proven to aid in improving wellbeing. It helps with low mood and can reduce anxiety. It also raises self esteem. As little as 20 min physical activity per day can make a difference. Perhaps try yoga walking, swimming or cycling.
Connect to other people on a daily basis, even if that is saying hello to a neighbour or thank you for your coffee at a cafe. Text or call a relative or friend. -
Out of Hours Services
Please note I can only be contacted during Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm
Voicemails will be answered weekly
Samaritans 24 hour helpline
08457 90 90 90
0800 111
If you or your child or someone you know are feeling actively suicidal please attend your local Hospital Emergency Department
Shout 24 hour Text help line 85258www.giveusashout.org
Free online counselling for children and young peoplewww.kooth.com
Free mental health support